Anyone who's either thought about buying a plane or owns one knows that as a Pilot we must satisfy the FAA, but as an owner operator we must satisfy and offer up tithes to the insurance companies.
Mine came in the form of an initial orientation program to the Beechcraft Baron by approved instructor and program. Fortunately, I have been luck enough to have a local Flight School with two instructors that meet both requirements that are on duty when I need them for my schedule to complete this.
Last night, I flew the last scenarios of the FAA/Industry Training Standards (FITS) curriculum for the Beechcraft Baron. Yea! Now, the insurance company is satisfied that I should have known better and that if I break the plane they will consider paying the damages, rather than no consideration at all. My omage to that rite is paid in full.
An annual instrument proficiency check is all that is required, but I believe that simulator training from FlightSafety, SimCom or a similar company is the order of business next year.
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